Saturday, November 30, 2019

Top 100 Research Paper Topics to Help You Get Started

What pops up in your head whenever you hear the word "research paper";? We can almost see you yawning. Scientific documents seem to be a very dull task. At least, the vast majority of students think this way. However, it is not so. You do not have to be a mad-cap scientist to enjoy writing fundamental works. Besides, you learn so many new and exciting facts while working on such papers that the process you view as a burden turns into an interesting activity after all. If you do not enjoy working on this paper, then you might either have chosen a bad topic, or you did not follow a correct structure which leads the readers to a point throughout different stages. How to choose a correct topic for a research paper? Before we show you an extensive list of 100 great topics for a scientific paper, you need to understand what makes some topics better and some worse for you. So, how can you choose the topic that fits you best? You need to have certain level of expertise in this area. Ideally, when you choose topics to write about, you must have a clear understanding of what you will be working on. You will definitely have to spend time developing the theme, building up the structure and editing the text for hours. So, the fact that you know exactly what you are working on can help you choose something you will find easier to work with. Write about things you are passionate about.It is better to spend long hours in the library exploring the new depth of a topic you are genuinely interested in. Thus, instead of feeling empty by the end of the day, you will be inspired and encouraged. And what can be better? Choose for a topic not too broad, yet not too narrow.You need to opt for a theme that gives you room for fresh ideas and bright perspectives. If you choose a concept that is too broad, you will stay on the surface without touching the bottom line at all. Talk about something not too old.You should also select a theme that allows you to be creative and look at things at a different angle. Otherwise, you will be old news, and no one will ever want to read your paper. So, once you study these guidelines on how to choose a good topic, check out our extensive list of suggested ideas for the main theme of the scientific paper. We are sure you will be able to find something for yourself among those theme! Research paper topics What causes discrimination in society? The nature of abortion. The history of relationships between church and the state. Should children enter school after reaching some age limit or according to their social maturity? The history of birth control. What are the most common types of discrimination at schools? Is multilingual education good for children? Who is responsible for children's education - schools or parents? Should all the Internet content be controlled more strictly? What is the principle of SE work? Good research paper topics Is it fair that students have to pay for their education? The danger marijuana brings with it. Vaccination: risks and benefits. Is dieting a good idea when it comes to weight loss? The notions of ADHA and Asperger Syndrome. Anorexia: the latest statistics. The history of steroids in sports. Should the government make corporations have physical activities as a part of a working day? Why sleep disorders are so common? The main causes of obesity and its effects. Argumentative research paper topics Are vegetarians more ethical than other people? How can one prevent aging? Learning disabilities statistics. What people are at risk of becoming sociopaths? How technologies affect our communication today? What are the latest marketing trends? Should school day start with a prayer? Equal pay and ways to achieve equality. Alcoholism: the causes and effects. Drinking age in the United States. Easy research paper topics The psychological effect of sports in schools. Should college admissions policy be changed? The notion of cyber security. Should people uploading porn to the Internet be punished? Fast food restaurants and obesity. Bullying in schools. Is distance education effective? Why do we get so much spam daily? Should people be prosecuted for using piracy copies of books and other materials? Computer viruses. Psychology research paper topics Why do people use plastic surgeries? Should there be a "no touch"; policy on campuses? Reasons why people start using drugs. Domestic violence and ways to control it. What do Freud, Marx, and Jung have in common in their philosophies? How is psychology different from sociology? How helpful are psychotherapies when it comes to peer pressure issues? What psychological issues push people to eating disorders? What is mob mentality? The concept of human will. College research paper topics What pushes people to become terrorists? Should prostitution be considered a profession? How does freedom of speech affect citizens? Child pornography: psychological issue leading to it. What rights do religious citizens have in America? Should both parents have parental leaves? The most well-known terrorists of all times. Should unemployed people still pay taxes? How should country government treat illegal immigrants? Solutions to massive homelessness. Interesting research paper topics How to help poor countries overcome poverty? Religious perspective on the homosexuals. Should colleges have gender studies on their curriculum? Should the state allow homosexuals get married? The history of the United Nations. How can we protect the environment? Should lotteries be outlawed? Gun control issues: causes and effects of stricter laws. EBooks vs. printed press: what will survive? The definition of child abuse. History research paper topics European Union: the foundation and core principles. WWI and WWII in numbers. Renaissance in literature: main motives and themes. The leading writers of the last century. Holocaust throughout different countries. The influence of Christian beliefs on different areas of life within the country. The development of education in the USA. Armed Force of the USA. The history of ISIS. 9/11: terrorists, motives, and conclusions. Controversial topics for research paper Animal rights and medical testing on animals. Should abortions be outlawed? Are parental control services on the Internet legal or they interfere with a right of children to have private space? Donald Trump vs. Barack Obama. Should chemical sprays be outlawed? Air pollution throughout different states. Poor sanity in the Third World countries. Global warming: causes and effects. Should students carry guns on campuses for protection? Should students be paid based on their performance? Criminal justice research paper topics Are men discriminated when it comes laws and punishment? Should the United States have tougher laws on drug control? Should smokers pay higher taxes? Is cyber-bullying a matter of criminal justice? Copyright law. What is invasion of privacy? Politicians that broke the law. Is taking steroids really a crime? Should farmers be prosecuted for creating poor conditions for animals on the farms? Should bribers be sentences to capital punishment? These are examples of great question to think of and explore. Take your time to pick something you are particularly interested in, select a topic that was not studied too much years ago and start working on your scientific paper writing. You will enjoy the process if you do everything right.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Louisiana Purchase Essays - Great Plains, Midwestern United States

Louisiana Purchase Essays - Great Plains, Midwestern United States Louisiana Purchase Several great American Statesmen were pivotal in shaping and molding the government of the United States. History has since forgotten some of these founding fathers. The ones remembered throughout history are those we hold up for their accomplishments. Thomas Jefferson is one of the American Statesmen that stands out from the rest as being one of the greatest contributors to our present form of government. Historian Robert Tucker described Jefferson's life as being a paradox. He was a slave holder that was not necessarily in favor of this form of servitude. He also associated himself with the yeoman farmer, yet he traveled in company with a cosmopolitan flair. So it is to this President that we look to as he faced one of his greatest dilemmas. Jefferson, the third President of the United States, remembered primarily for two great accomplishments: he authored the Declaration of Independence and made the greatest land acquisition in our nation's history, the Louisiana Purchase. Both subjects, have been written about extensively, yet one question persists: did Thomas Jefferson exceed his fiduciary duty to the Constitution of the United States when he started the proceedings that led to the Louisiana Purchase? Thomas Jefferson was a pragmatic, articulate, and, at times, capricious leader of a young nation that had recently gained its freedom from the monarchical Great Britain. Jefferson, a Democratic Republican, made his ascension to the presidency at a time when the Federalist Party was in decline. The Louisiana Purchase would bring a great deal of discomfort to the Party. The only opposition to the purchase would consequently be the Federalist Party which, ironically, had always been in favor of a broad construction of the Constitution. The broad constructionist believed that the Constitution held implied powers to the central government. The people who interpreted the Constitution in this fashion backed the notion of strong centralization of power. The strict constructionist, like Jefferson, believed that if something in the Constitution was not described then it was unconstitutional. They also feared the abuse of power obtainable by the central government by a broad interpretation of the Constitution. Since 1493, France and Spain alternately held the Louisiana Territory. Towards the end of the 18th century the jurisdiction of the territory was under Spanish rule. New troubles were brewing on the European continent and the Americans feared that the Louisiana Territory would fall into the hands of the British. This would place the British on three sides of the Americans and they were prepared to go to war to avoid this. The Spaniards, uncertain of their British ally and fearing an insurrection from within the Louisiana Territory, signed the Treaty of San Lorenzo or Pinckney's Treaty with the Americans in 1795. Under terms of the treaty, Americans were allowed to deposit goods for overseas shipment at the port of New Orleans free of duty. The Spanish also ceded control of the Ohio River Valley to the Americans. This pleased the majority of Americans who were in favor of westward expansion, many of who were by now settling illegally in the Louisiana Territory. Securing the Mississippi River for commercial purposes was of the greatest importance to most Americans at the time. The desired peace of the country to be protected from outside interference was also the goal of those in favor of expansion. In 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French government and assumed control of France and her colonies. Bonaparte was anxious to build a western empire, perhaps to make up for his previous losses in Egypt. Bonaparte saw the conquest of the Caribbean island of Santo Domingo as his first step in his western expansion efforts. From Santo Domingo the French could support troops that they intended to post in New Orleans. By early 1801 American whites made up more than half of the population in upper Louisiana. In 1802 the first migration of Americans west of the Mississippi River begun and by now the Americans looked to wrest the Louisiana Territory away from the Spanish. To this dream of conquest of the Spaniards by Americans is to what Jefferson responded. He was not alone in his supposition of the need for expansion. Indeed, the one area that Jefferson and his

Friday, November 22, 2019

Guide Of Writing Observation Essays

Guide Of Writing Observation Essays Winning Tips and Topics on Writing an Observation Essay In order for you to come up with an interesting observational essay, you should consider being a good listener and observer of situations. These two factors are essential in acquiring new information that could be a plus to your personal experience. Three concepts that each student should have in their memories to come up with a captivating observation essay are observation, interpretation, and tangible facts. The difference between a word wizard and a good observational essay writer lies on a students ability to come up with an excellent observation essay. All our body senses, sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing are crucial towards the crafting of an observational essay. If you intended to impress your readers enough to make them come back for more, then purchasing personalized academic papers from reliable top academy writing websites in the United States might just do the trick. The outline Template for an Observational Essay The guidelines below will help you understand the outline of writing an observational essay to enable you to come up with a structure that will give your essay a logical flow of ideas. Personal Experience This aspect is the best way to describe the particulars of a situation since you have personally gone through the situation and you understand all angles about it. The connection created by your personal experience and the subject matter under discussion should be on a high level of order, as a way of ensuring you can share the experience with other on a deeper and understanding level. For this reason, you should ensure that you choose the topic of discussion carefully. For instance: having chosen a topic on how exhilarating biking while hiking is, make sure you describe related factual and statistical data about how it brings out the excitement in you.   However, if you have never experienced hiking while riding a bike, it will be difficult to share such an experience with your audience. Supporting your claim should always be based on personal experience about the subject of discussion. It’s even advisable to try such an experience, before writing the related observational topic. This way, you will gain more tangible information to share with your audience. It is important to know that note taking is a crucial part of sharing experiences; thus you should come up with reliable ways of writing down your experiences and recording them appropriately. From what has been recorded, you can begin doing a draft of your essay. Capture the whole process of your personal experience. For example, if its related to going to a stadium, mention going through security, locating your sitting position, watching the game and what emotions were provoked, and the feeling you felt when you were surrounded by a mob of angry fans whose team took a loss. Dont forget to note down the impressions and use criteria to rate aspects lie the general atmosphere, utilities at the stadium, the security box among other elements of your story. If you experience a modification in your personal intake for events that transpired, jot down notes about the change, and the time it happened. All your events should be arranged in chronological order to help you restructure your chain of events as you embark on writing your essay. Ask for a friends opinion about their personal experience of going to the stadium and not them down. This will help you have an informed view of events thus come up with a first-class observational topic. Create an outline A sketch of your work is important in ensuring that it is well-structured and there is a logical flow of ideas. It is useful to use just in case you face a challenge while restructuring your essay. The final draft can be changed, but bear in mind that you must adhere to the set outline. In case your teacher wants to see an outline, create a separate page that you can outline it for review. After this, if you are challenged with any other aspect, or you do not understand how to formulate an observational essay, do not hesitate to consult the various online professional services for assistance. Introduction In this section, you are required to provide a brief, but credible information about what the reader is about to read all through the article. Make sure you begin with a thesis statement which will address the points and arguments that you plan to address. After this, craft a catchy hook sentence that will grab the attention of your readers. It is also advisable to provide them with reasons as to why you chose that specific topic. After addressing the above aspects, your introduction part is now well composed and captivating to keep your readers glued to your observational essay/ The three body paragraphs At this point, the expressed points of argument in your thesis statement are each handled in its paragraph, with the addition of supporting evidence to give meaning and sense to your argument. Make sure that each paragraph or idea is presented as per the outline you created to give your observation essay more logic and concrete structure. Conclusion This section requires simplicity and a summative narrative about the topic of discussion. I stead of just doing a summary of your arguments, restate your thesis statement and appeal to it, as you use a call to action element to give the final input to finish up your paper with a strong impression to the reader. This will allow the reader to reason about your points of view and make a choice if they support still stand by their perspective. Through this, you have engaged your writers effectively and created a strong impression. The use of a rhetorical question will sum up the essay in exclusive style and ensure the audience is fully engaged. The final page should include a complete bibliography that included all the sources and references used. Editing and Proofreading After concluding the writing part of your essay, you should consider going through your work to remove any punctuation or grammatical that might appear. It will be more effective if someone else did it for you or submit it to a professional proofreading service that man college students use to ensure their work is ready for submission. The three aspects to consider in this section are: Grammatical errors Punctuation and spelling errors The distinctiveness of your observational essay Examples of Observational Essay Topics Organization and rich vocabulary skills are the two most important skills that you need to have in order to write a first-class observational essay. Bear in mind that your ultimate goal is to share your personal experience with your target audience. The following are useful examples of observational essay you can use: The dynamics of tattoo and body piercing Is tolerance an important trait to possess? Are video games capable of causing death? How important independence and freedom are Gaining knowledge and its impact on our lives Money and its meaning to an evolved world Sports and its contribution to developing leadership A chat with your favorite celebrity The thrills of biking while hiking Age-appropriate movies The most epic club in the city The flawless gift for a wedding or birthday How to define loyalty Can music provide a soothing healing effect? Success and achievement through professional writing Endurance and its effect on our daily lives Describing character traits of my favorite idol Winning Tips to Use in Writing an Observation Essay Laying down your work with a personal touch is important. Remember that your main goal is to share your personal experience and let the readers add it to theirs. Have a notebook and pen around you! This will ensure that you can jot down events as they happen to have a full view outlook of the experience. Dont use an unnecessary word to make your essay longer. Be brief, precise and straight to the point while addressing the outline content of your work. By reducing the use of introductory and transitional words, you gain to display a clear topic and thesis statement. While writing your observation essay, utilize your personal experience by using instances you personally went through in your life. This helps the readers identify themselves with your experiences and understand you better. There exist an association between a descriptive narrative and an observation essay, thus use human senses freely when need be. Provoke a reaction from the reader of one, if not several of their five senses. Always stick to being objective. Remember to include a bibliography page at the end. A point to remember: an emphasis on the importance of your topic is crucial and should utilize your personal experience. If you face by any challenge, or need proofreading and editing for your work, choose our academic writing help.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Question responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Question responses - Assignment Example The narrator says that, â€Å"Sunday’s too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blue black cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze† (James and Alan, 32) This goes on to show how the narrator’s father was concerned about the narrator. If he did not care, then he would not have woken up early even on a Sunday. The claim that the father showed unconditional love is showed universally in this poem. In my own personal life, my parents show so much concern in me; from school work, family life and also my social life, my parents have shown concern in me that can only happen if there exists the connection that is commonly known as love (James and Alan, 32). Dulce Et Decorum Est is a poem written by Wilfred Owens and it has various arguments inside it that bring out what the poem is about. When the name is translated, it means, â€Å"It is sweet and meet to die for one’s country† (James and Alan, 33). And to back up the claims that the statement lacks merit, the poem has been written in order to distinguish between sweet and bitter, and pain and comfort. Even though the poem is about how sweet it is to fight and die for one’s country, the pain and suffering that the individuals go through reflects more on the negative side. There is evidence to support this in that the subjects talked about include post-dramatic stress, recurring nightmares, gas attacks that are lethal which include mustard gas attacks and chlorine gas attacks. Evidence

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Language Crossing by B. Rampton Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Language Crossing by B. Rampton - Assignment Example According to the research findings, Rampton found that the speakers moved outside the language varieties they normally used and they briefly adapted codes which they didn’t have full and easy access to and that these appropriations of someone else’s language occurred in moments and activities when the world of daily life known in common with others and with others taken for granted. These findings have important implications for the ethnic process and the way social identities are negotiated in interactional code-switching. According to Cutler, Rampton’s book describes how groups of multiracial adolescents in a British working-class community mix their use of Creole, Panjabi, and Asian English. Rampton found that language crossing, in many instances, constitutes an anti-racist practice and is emblematic of young people striving to redefine their identities. The young people he studied used this mixed code to contest racial boundaries and assert a new â€Å"derac inated† ethnicity. Rampton also cited in his book the two types of code-switching namely situational and figurative. Situational code-switching is a standard speech that indicates a shift in a certain situation while figurative code-switching or double-voicing describes the way that utterances can be affected by a plurality of competing languages, discourse, and voices. Under figurative code-switching are metaphorical code-switching (uni-directional) and ironic code-switching (Vari-directional). Rampton defines metaphorical code-switching as a switching that introduces varieties of speech that is harder for the recipients to understand. It is uni-directional because speakers go along with the momentum of the second voice, though it generally retains an element of otherness which makes the appropriation conditional and introduces some reservation into the speakers’ use of it. On the other hand, ironic code-switching (Vari-directional) is a speech in which the speaker spe aks in someone else’s discourse, but introduce into that discourse a semantic intention directly opposed to the original one.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organizational Structure Essay Example for Free

Organizational Structure Essay †¢ Describe the organizational structure of your selected organization. Compare and contrast that structure with two different organizational structures. Google seems like a logical choice to use for my selected organization. Google is innovative and braces technology while others are not. Google understands its organizational structure well and that is where the innovation starts. Google embraces the fact that they can use the internet to conduct business and can hire in any country that allows this. How does this model differ from Sears? Sears and Kmart merged and are still having a hard time making the organization viable. Sears used to have mail order catalogues available to their customers and quit using this means a few years back. They lost business because that was their staple and this came as this sort of business was booming. They went backwards in my opinion and hurt sales. While Google diversifies into technological areas Sears does not. The company Amazon has seen the potential of the internet and has made strides selling their product to many world-wide. They embrace technology and prosper because of it. If Sears wants to evolve into the twenty first century, they need to use technology to compete with competitors. There are many tools in the organizational structure and technology is just one used for this paper. I think that Sears is a bureaucratic structure in nature. They have changed their organizational structure a few times probably because the board of directors were not happy with the old one and did not see it as viable. Sears is probably a matrix structure now. They need to diversify to compete and picked a winning organizational structure and stick with it will see them prosper in the futur e. Unless they change, they will not have a chance in the future. Amazon and Google are virtual structures. Some may argue that Amazon is a network structure. â€Å"One of the important issues for business model design is to develop a method for identifying a specific company’s business model structure. The purpose of this research is thus to propose a new systematical method for understanding and identifying business model structure.† (Ming-Hone, Yu-De, Yea-Huey, 2011, p.232) †¢ Evaluate how organizational functions (such as marketing, finance, human resources, and operations) influence and determine the organizational structure of your selected organization. Marketing in Google is one of the best organizational functions. They have a market that other could only dream of. The Google search engine is used by millions if not billions of potential customers. This is an already established means of marketing. By diversifying into other services, Google can target a multitude of potential customers on their search engine. Finances are cut to a minimum when most of the information and marketing is online. The virtual structure has done well for Google. They can hire from all over the world to expand their operations with ease. Google uses grounded theory that incorporates systematic and rigorous procedures for qualitative data collection and analysis. This lets them use data to see trends and capitalize on the information. Data collection, analysis, and theory are their bread and butter. Google took one million dollars and turned it into four billion dollars with this business model. Social networking is a tool used by Google in determining goals set forth by this organization. Google Ads was a good idea and worked out well. Google AdSense empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide variety of online content. This gives everyone the chance to market a product in a cost effective way. The diversity of Google and the data mined from customers has made this company a giant in the industry. Face it Google is everywhere. Finance is minimal in a virtual organization for obvious reasons. They need servers to keep the information that is data mined and programmers to setup programming for the business. Technology can keep the cost down but it is still expensive to keep this sort of business going. It is still cheaper than traditional means. †¢ Explain how organizational design (such as geographic, functional, customer-based, product, service, hybrid, matrix, marketing channels, and departmentalization) helps determine which structure best suits your selected organization’s needs. Organizational design plays a major part in the business model of Google. Geographical location is not a problem for Google. The internet has made the world smaller and cost effective to do business around the world. Functional design is already in place for Google. They have a brand that everyone in the world knows. Google is customer based and that is their product. This works well together with the services aspect. They came out with Google Maps that was a big success. AdSense has taken off. Google Sky is another product. The main product is Google’s search engine. This by itself gives them trends into the minds of millions of people every single day. This also can be used for advertising anything they want to market. Data mining and watching trends of their customers would be a great way to diversify into something that is taking off. Sometimes I think this is too much power for one company. Monopoly laws will have to change world-wide for others to compete. Innovation is the mother of invention and I feel the world will adjust. The visions of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google have surpassed even their expectations. Departmentalization breaks processes up into departments. This is usually by taking a certain function of a company and dividing it into a functional department with specialists. Google does that well. A matrix groups employees by both function and product. This would be an ideal structure if specialists were taken into consideration in my opinion. Working well between those groups is where the problem lies. Google has its share of problems as do most organizations. Google is getting huge and I can see this being a problem in the future. I am sure this will evolve for the better. Fee based products are also in Google’s arsenal. There is a Google store and well as Google Books. The diversification is mind boggling. I have seen the Google Car was a bust. Only time will tell if this was viable.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Wrinkle In Time :: Wrinkle in Time Essays

A Wrinkle In Time A Wrinkle In Time is an example of great American literature. It is a plot-based novel with something always happening while an obstacle is standing in the way. Most of the conflict occurring in this book is person versus self and person versus supernatural. A certain aspect that is very prevalent in this book is love. This love takes the characters on the trip of a lifetime, for the sole purpose of finding her father. This love in the background is not known by the reader until the last few pages, and ends up encompassing and explaining the whole novel. Meg Murray, the protagonist and the person from whom the reader gets their point of view, is the main character. She has a little brother, Charles Wallace, and two twin brothers, Sandy and Denny. Her mother is a guiding figure within the story, and serves as her daughter Meg's source of ambition. We learn from reading the story that Meg's father disappears from an extremely secret scientific project, and is expected to return, but hasn't for several years. Meg can see the pain that her mother feels and the rest of the family also about the loss of their father, and wants to help find him. All the while, feelings are mutual that their father is living, but nobody knows for sure. Characters begin to develop, and we learn that Charles Wallace and Meg Murray are very close siblings, and Charles seems to have the ability to know whenever Meg or her mother is upset. He can also answer questions directed at him by his sister, but were not actually spoken, almost as if he can read their minds. None other than little Charles Wallace demonstrates the first example of love being expressed in this novel. During the dark and stormy night that starts the book, Meg becomes afraid of the wind and the thunder, and decides to go downstairs for a cup of cocoa. Charles Wallace is already awake and has warmed the milk for the chocolate. However, this is not the only thing done by little Charles Wallace. ""You put in more than twice enough milk." Meg peered into the saucepan. Charles Wallace nodded serenely. "I thought Mother might like some"" (L'Engle 8). He even makes sandwiches for both Mrs. Murray and Meg. Charles Wallace is only five years old, yet he knows when his sister is in need of companionship, and is happy to do things for Mrs.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ir Study Guide

IR364 Study Guide for Mid-term Exam You will answer three questions on the exam worth 10 points each 1) Populism was a prevalent response to the Great Depression in Latin America. Define this term, and discuss the political and economic strategies of either the Vargas government in Brazil or the Cardenas government in Mexico. 2) By the end of World War II income inequality had already become deeply ingrained in Latin America. What are the main causes of income inequality in the region, and why has it been so difficult to eradicate highly polarized patterns in the distribution of wealth? ) Was import-substitution-industrialization an unmitigated failure in Latin America? Define this development strategy and offer a balanced critique of it. 4) Compare and contrast the economic impact of the three big shocks that hit Latin America between 1900-1950. 5) What are the main factors of endowment and key features of these factors that are considered to contribute most favorably to economic de velopment? 6) What were the main features of Peronism in post-World War II Argentina? Despite Peron’s downfall in the coup of 1955, the Peronist movement is still alive and well in Argentina.How would you explain the lasting hold of Peronism on the Argentine public? 7) The period 1900-1914 has frequently been referred to as the â€Å"good times† for Latin America because the region was thriving on primary exports to Britain, Europe and the U. S. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a development model based primarily on raw material production for export? You will answer 5 ID questions, for 1 point each: Capital Scarcity Commodity Lottery Economic Populism Enclave Development Exchange Rate Export pessimism Import substitution industrialization Structuralism Eva Peron

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ggr252 Notes Essay

To gain a better understanding of the retail and commercial activity in the Toronto area, two different types of retail will be evaluated in the following report. The character, market orientation and location of a retail space all play crucial role in contributing to the success of the business. All three aspects of the retail spheres will be carefully assessed in order to make direct comparisons between the two types of retail businesses. The two retail systems that will be contrasted includes the ancillary retail system in downtown Toronto and the Retail Strip on Spadina, south of Baldwin. Part A – Ancillary Retail (First Canadian Place) The ancillary retail system in downtown Toronto is one of the most unique retail systems in the world. It is an underground shopping center that connects all the major banks and towers in the core of the city. The specific area that we investigate is called â€Å"First Canadian Place† and it is located on King & Bay St. This geographic region is one of the most densely engaged regions in all of Canada and this is because of the large skyscrapers that are located on top of this retail center. Its primary customers are upper-middle class workers that are working in the surrounding banks and institutions. Most of the consumers are not wearing jackets and this suggests that they were able to access this center without going outdoors. This is a significant advantage because people are more willing to go to areas that are easily accessible. The retail center is easily accessible by many different types of transportation. There are two subway stations that are located within this are a and there are also buses on the street level. As well, it is very accessible by foot because the retail center is connected to many other different shopping centers in the core of Toronto. There are many different types of stores in this retail center but they are all focused on â€Å"white collars†. Most of the customers are workers in large firms and they want quick access to different types of stores. This is why there is a large amount of fast-food/food court stores that allow workers to have their lunch quickly and efficiently. The busiest time of the day for this retail center is during lunch hour and rush hours because it is very convenient for all the workers to access this center. A 15 minute pedestrian count during lunch hours (around 1:30pm) indicated that approximately 1993 people access this ancillary retail system. This system  is in private property because it is under many large skyscrapers which are owned by private firms. This system is not very easy to navigate because of the complex connections of different shopping centers. Part B – Spadina, South of Baldwin (China Town) The retail strip on Spadina, south of Baldwin (known as China Town) is a completely different type of retail center. This retail is located outside and it is very easy to navigate since the arrangement of the retail stores is not complex. The streetcar track on Spadina helps people to identify the directions more easily (North ↔ South). This area is accessible by public transportation as a result of the frequent availability of streetcars and subway. There are also parking spots on either side of the road that can accommodate for cars. The area surrounding this retail strip consists of schools, university, and small houses. There are a wide variety of stores within the retail strip, offering customers many selections to choose from. Most of the retail spaces consist of restaurants, fashion and accessories stores, and family health services. However, there are also other services being offered, such as banking services, furthermore, there are meat shop and supermarket. This retail space is considered to be public as the entire business strip is not managed or controlled as a whole by any rules and regulations. And most evidently, the retail strip itself is located on a public street. It is possible that the city planners may have designed the street and the retail area to accommodate for the needs of the surrounding residential area. However, the actual stores and their specific styles and characteristics that each retail business offers are mainly unplanned (there might be some planned aspects). In the pedestrian count that was conducted during lunch time (around 1:30pm), a total of 327 pedestrians were counted during the 15-minute count. Chinatown is geared toward the market segment of low to mid-income individuals. Thus, most of the pedestrians are dressed in casual wear and jackets (Note: stores are located outside – winter period). The majority of consumers in this retail strip are Asians who speak Cantonese or mandarin and large portion of them are seniors. Part C – Compare and Contrast After careful analysis of the above two retail spaces, many similarities and differences can be drawn. First and foremost, both business entities consist of multiple retail stores that offer a vast variety of goods and services. This allows customers to have and opportunity to be exposed to a great selection of goods and services, and also creates convenience for the shoppers. In considering the physical location and layout of the two retail spaces, it is evident that both are located where a large amount of traffic can be found. People arrive at these areas by cars, transit (streetcars in China Town/buses in First Canadian Place, subway, cars for both), and walk, etc. This brings more customers to the businesses, and also helps accommodate for large amounts of traffic, which may be created as a result of it. Therefore, in terms of accessibility, both locations are very convenient to customers everywhere because of public access. The Ancillary Retail System is located in one of the most important commercial centers in Canada. There is a large population working above this system and this allows the system to have many customers during the weekdays. The disadvantage is that workers do not work during weekends would cause the system to have less customers, or the stores in the system might not be even opened during the weekends. The major disadvantage to the retail strip is that since the strip is located outdoors, many people would not be willing to shop outdoors in the cold winter. It is possible that the number of customers in the summer would be greater than the numbers in the winter, but it is more likely that customers would prefer the PATH since the system would have the air conditioning turned on in the summer. In both of the retail areas, we can see their different layouts. In First Canadian Place, most of the food services are centralized in the food court, whereas in the retail strip there are no spe cific patterns or layouts. This might be because it is a public space and the retail center is unplanned. The two different types of retail vary in their composition. The PATH system has more chaining retails than those in the retail strip. The stores’ degree of speciality in the strip is higher, this is because the stores are independent and owned by individuals that has the freedom to decorate the store and sell as they wish, without rules and regulations. Through the evidence from my observations, I believe that the retail strip  is less managed than the Ancillary System, because of the nature of the area. The retail strip is located on a public road, the city planners at most are doing their jobs setting out this area as retail but not as much as planning each store and how many stores of different types for this strip to be successful. The Ancillary Retail though, is a planned center, the land is owned as private property, and therefore, the stores run under rules and regulations. Before the stores can open in this planned center, marketing would have been done to see if th e center can accommodate another such shop in there. I believe that everything that goes in the PATH is carefully monitored and managed by a department under its private owner. Although own is private and one is public, one is planned and one is unplanned, despite these differences, they also have many similarities that kept them both running; their styles and selections attract different kinds of customers. The different specialty stores on the retail strip would attract customers that are looking for uniqueness and those that are looking for Oriental-style cuisines, and the stores in the Ancillary Retail would provide customer with convenience to their everyday needs and quick services such as the fast food services to customers who work nearby. Overall, these two different retail areas have their own qualities that attract customers, and everyday there are changes in the market and changes are made in those types of retail everywhere to suit out changing needs.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How the Statue of Liberty Became a Symbol of Immigration

How the Statue of Liberty Became a Symbol of Immigration When the Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, the ceremonial speeches had nothing to do with immigrants arriving in America. The sculptor who created the enormous statue, Fredric-Auguste Bartholdi, never intended the statue to evoke the idea of immigration. In a sense, he viewed his creation as something nearly opposite: as a symbol of liberty spreading outward from America. So how and why did the statue become an iconic symbol of immigration? The Statue is now always linked in the public mind with arriving immigrants thanks to the words of Emma Lazarus. Lady Liberty took on deeper meaning  because of the sonnet written in its honor, The New Colossus. Poet Emma Lazarus Was Asked to Write a Poem Before the Statue of Liberty was completed and shipped to the United States for assembly, a campaign was organized by newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer to raise funds to build the pedestal on Bedloe’s Island. Donations were very slow in coming, and in the early 1880s it appeared that the statue might never be assembled in New York. There were even rumors that another city, perhaps Boston, could wind up with the statue. Fundraising events were organized, one of which was an art show. The poet Emma Lazarus, who was known and respected in the artistic community in New York City, was asked to participate. Lazarus was a 34-year-old native New Yorker, the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family with roots going back to the colonial era in New York City. She had become very concerned about the plight of Jews being persecuted in a pogrom in Russia. Newly arrived Jewish refugees from Russia were being housed on Wards Island, in New York Citys East River. Lazarus had been visiting them, and had gotten involved with charitable organizations helping the destitute new arrivals get a start in their new country. The writer Constance Cary Harrison asked Lazarus to write a poem to help raise money for the Statue of Liberty pedestal fund. Lazarus, at first, was not interested in writing something on assignment. Emma Lazarus Applied Her Social Conscience Harrison later recalled that she encouraged Lazarus to change her mind by saying, â€Å"Think of that goddess standing on her pedestal down yonder in the bay, and holding her torch out to those Russian refugees of yours that you are so fond of visiting at Ward’s Island.† Lazarus reconsidered and wrote the sonnet, â€Å"The New Colossus.† The opening of the poem refers to the Colossus of Rhodes, an ancient statue of a Greek titan. But Lazarus then refers to the statue which â€Å"shall† stand as a â€Å"mighty woman with a torch† and the â€Å"Mother of Exiles.† Later in the sonnet are the lines which eventually became iconic: Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Thus in the mind of Lazarus the statue was not symbolic of liberty flowing outward from America, as Bartholdi envisioned, but rather a symbol of America being a refuge where those oppressed could come to live in liberty. Lazarus was no doubt thinking of the Jewish refugees from Russia she had been volunteering to assist at Wards Island. And she surely understood that had she been born somewhere else, she may have faced oppression and suffering herself. The Poem â€Å"The New Colossus† Was Essentially Forgotten On December 3, 1883, a reception was held at the Academy of Design in New York City to auction off a portfolio of writings and artwork to raise funds for the statue’s pedestal. The next morning the New York Times reported that a crowd which included J. P. Morgan, the famous banker, heard a reading of the poem â€Å"The New Colossus† by Emma Lazarus. The art auction did not raise as much money as the organizers had hoped. And the poem written by Emma Lazarus seems to have been forgotten. She tragically died of cancer on November 19, 1887, at the age of 38, less than four years after writing the poem. An obituary in the New York Times  the following day praised her writing, with the headline calling her An American Poet of Uncommon Talent. The obituary quoted some of her poems yet  did not mention â€Å"The New Colossus.† Thus, the sonnet was generally forgotten not long after it was written. Yet over time the sentiments expressed in words by Lazarus and the massive figure crafted of copper by  Bartholdi would become inseparable in the public mind. The Poem Was Revived by a Friend of Emma Lazarus In May 1903, a friend of Lazarus, Georgina Schuyler, succeeded in having a bronze plaque containing the text of â€Å"The New Colossus† installed on an interior wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. By that time the statue had been standing in the harbor for nearly 17 years, and millions of immigrants had passed by it. And for those fleeing oppression in Europe, the Statue of Liberty did seem to be holding a torch of welcome. Lady Libertys Legacy Over the following decades, especially in the 1920s, when the United States began to restrict immigration, the words of Lazarus took on deeper meaning. And whenever there is talk of closing Americas borders, relevant lines from The New Colossus are always quoted in opposition. Still, the poem and its connection to the statue unexpectedly became a contentious issue in the summer of 2017. Stephen Miller, an anti-immigrant adviser to President Donald Trump, sought to denigrate the poem and its connection to the statue. Two years later, in the summer of 2019, Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Trump administration, sparked a controversy by suggesting that the classic poem be edited. In a series of interviews on August 13, 2019, Cuccinelli said the poem should be changed to refer to immigrants who can stand on their own two feet. He also noted that the Lazarus poem referred to people coming from Europe, which critics interpreted as a sign of current bias toward non-white immigrants.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Nebraska Man - An Evolution Hoax

Nebraska Man - An Evolution Hoax The Theory of Evolution has always been a controversial topic, and continues to be in modern times as well. While scientists clamor to find the missing link or the bones of ancient human ancestors to add to the fossil record and collect even more data to back up their ideas, others have tried to take matters into their own hands and create fossils they claim are the missing link of human evolution. Most notably, Piltdown Man had the scientific community talking for 40 years before it was finally definitively debunked. Another discovery of the missing link that turned out to be a hoax was called Nebraska Man. Maybe the word hoax is a bit harsh to use in the case of Nebraska Man, because it was more of a case of mistaken identity than an all out fraud like the Piltdown Man turned out to be. In 1917, a farmer and part time geologist named Harold Cook who lived in Nebraska found a single tooth that looked remarkably similar to an ape or a human molar. About five years later, he sent it to be examined by Henry Osborn at Columbia University. Osborn excitedly declared this fossil to be a tooth from the first ever discovered ape-like man in North America. The single tooth grew in popularity and throughout the world and it wasnt long before a drawing of the Nebraska Man showed up in a London periodical. The disclaimer on the article that accompanied the illustration made it clear that the drawing was the artists imagining of what the Nebraska Man may have looked like, even though the only anatomical evidence of its existence was a single molar. Osborn was very adamant that there was no way anyone could know what this newly discovered hominid could look like based on a single tooth and denounced the picture publicly. Many in England who saw the drawings were quite skeptical that a hominid had been discovered in North America. In fact, one of the primary scientists who had examined and presented the Piltdown Man hoax was vocally skeptical and said that a hominid in North America just did not make sense in the timeline of the history of life on Earth. After some time had passed, Osborn agreed that the tooth may not be a human ancestor, but was convinced it was at least a tooth from an ape that had branched off from a common ancestor as the human lines did. In 1927, after examining the area the tooth was discovered and uncovering more fossils in the area, it was finally decided the Nebraska Man tooth was not from a hominid after all. In fact, it was not even from an ape or any ancestor on the human evolution timeline. The tooth turned out to belong to a pig ancestor from the Pleistocene time period. The rest of the skeleton was found at the same site the tooth had originally come from and it was found to fit the skull. Even though Nebraska Man was a short lived missing link, it tells of a very important lesson to paleontologists and archaeologists working in the field. Even though a single piece of evidence looks to be something that could fit into a hole in the fossil record, it needs to be studied and more than one piece of evidence needs uncovered before declaring the existence of something that actually does not exist. This is a basic tenet of science where discoveries of a scientific nature must be verified and tested by outside scientists in order to prove its veracity. Without this checks and balances system, many hoaxes or mistakes will pop up and stall out the true scientific discoveries.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Connection Journal about Mutualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Connection Journal about Mutualism - Essay Example Facultative mutualism is a relationship that exists between two species that depend and benefit from each other by living in close association. However, this two species do not need each other for survival. One species can live without the other but it isbeneficial when both species live together.A good example is the relationship that exists between the cleaner fish and the large fish. The cleaner fish feeds on small organisms and the parasites found on the bodies of larger fish. The larger fish in return is relieved of unwelcome guests which affects their body fitness.  Obligate mutualism, on the other hand, is a relationship that exists between two individuals that depend on each other for survival. Both species must live close to each other so that they can survive. A good example is the bees and the flowers. The bee must obtain nectar and propolis from the flowers so as to make honey and feed the colony. In return, the bee transfers pollen aiding in pollination thus reproducti on in the flowers.  Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship that exists between two species where one species (parasite) benefits at the expense of the other (host). A slight difference exist between mutualism and parasitism. Mutualism will only exist as long as benefits acquire by each species outweighs the cost. When the opposite holds,mutualism becomes parasitism. In many cases, were mutualism exists, one species benefits more than the other thus it is similar to parasitism.  Trillium grandiflorumis dispersed by insects.